
Speedwell (3)

See also Alpine Speedwell

Veronica anagallis-aquatica

Water Speedwell
Veronica anagallis-aquatica

Family: Plantain (Plantaginaceae)
AKA: Blue Speedwell, Brook Pimpernel
Photo taken on: July 30, 2022
Location: Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery, CO
Life Zones: Foothills to montane
Habitat: Water, moist and wet areas

Leaves have small teeth, clasp the stem and are longer than the Speedwells below. Tiny flowers are ¼" across and grow in clusters from leaf axils. Flowers are blue, lavender or violet with purple lines at the base of the petal and two long stamens.

Veronica anagallis-aquatica

Flora of North America reference.

Thyme-leaf Speedwell
Veronica serpyllifolia

Family: Plantain (Plantaginaceae)
Photo taken on: July 1, 2004
Location: Rustler Gulch, GV, CO
Life Zones: Montane to subalpine
Habitat: Wet soil

Grows to 10" with small oval leaves. May grow erect or trailing. Flowers are in a cluster at the top of the stem unlike the two other Speedwells on this page.

Flora of North America reference.

American Speedwell
Veronica americana

Family: Plantain (Plantaginaceae)
AKA: American Brooklime
Photo taken on: June 26, 2006
Location: Almont Triangle, GV, C
Life Zones: Foothills to montane
Habitat: Wet soil, shallow water

Grows erect or trailing to 2ft long. Clusters of flowers branch from leaf axils. Leaves are lance-shaped and smooth and have stalks. The stalked leaves differentiate it from Water Speedwell whose leaves clasp the stem, otherwise the plants are very similar.

Flora of North America reference.

Blue/Purple Long Clusters